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Old School House Photograph by Ron Roberts

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Comments (23)

Sarah Crites

Sarah Crites

Very nice! v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Sarah

Mary Sullivan

Mary Sullivan

Terrific find and capture. v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Mary

Debi Pople

Debi Pople

nice! v

Ron Roberts replied:

thank you Debi

Pedro L Gili

Pedro L Gili

Abandoned buildings! An original topic for a gallery! Good shot, Ron! g+ T L Vtd.

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Pedro.. I hadn't thought about that but good idea.

Geri Glavis

Geri Glavis

You are right, it is an amazing find. Thanks for sharing! V

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Geri

Nancy Merkle

Nancy Merkle

Such an interesting building! Great capture.

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Nancy

Glenn McCarthy Art and Photography

Glenn McCarthy Art and Photography

It is an amazing find. Makes you wonder what it must have been like back in the day... v21

Ron Roberts replied:

yeh it does.. Thanks Glenn

Stephen Norris

Stephen Norris

Nicely done Ron! v

Marilyn  McNish

Marilyn McNish

This is a GREAT shot of an old school house. Makes me wonder what happened to the kids? Looks like it was built with the intention of lasting forever... and it has, but something changed. Great story could be imaged quite easily. v mm

Ron Roberts replied:

I know Marilyn.. But no othere structures around kinda makes me wonder also.

Marcia Weller-Wenbert

Marcia Weller-Wenbert

Great capture - love the textures of the building mixed with mother natures textures. They clump of vegetation in the foreground makes the composition a great one. v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Marcia

Linda Lees

Linda Lees

Great find Ron! Nice capture of this terrific old building. v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Linda

Geeta Biswas

Geeta Biswas

It is an amazing find Ron ! wonderful colors ! v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Geeta

Edward Fielding

Edward Fielding

Atomic testing site? Better check yourself with a geiger counter! ;-) v

Ron Roberts replied:

I hope not :-) Thanks

Kim Hojnacki

Kim Hojnacki

What a great find. Excellent capture. v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Kim

Ella Kaye

Ella Kaye

what a find...great photography...v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Ella

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Ella

Terri  Waters

Terri Waters

Amazing what gems you can find when you least expect to

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Terri

Sydne Archambault

Sydne Archambault

It was an amazing find Ron. I wonder what it's history is......V

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Sydne

Elizabeth McTaggart

Elizabeth McTaggart

That was an amazing find, Ron! I love old buildings ~ abandoned ones ~ I always wonder what stories are attached. Love it! V/F

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Elizabeth

Liane Wright

Liane Wright

great find and capture. v

Ron Roberts replied:

Thank you Liane

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Old School House by Ron Roberts
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