Old School House

by Ron Roberts
Old School House
Ron Roberts
Photograph - Photography
I was traveling about 20 miles north East of Taos, New Mexico and spotted this abandoned school house out in the middle of the desert. I thought it was an amazing find.
January 18th, 2013
Comments (23)

Glenn McCarthy Art and Photography
It is an amazing find. Makes you wonder what it must have been like back in the day... v21

Marilyn McNish
This is a GREAT shot of an old school house. Makes me wonder what happened to the kids? Looks like it was built with the intention of lasting forever... and it has, but something changed. Great story could be imaged quite easily. v mm

Marcia Weller-Wenbert
Great capture - love the textures of the building mixed with mother natures textures. They clump of vegetation in the foreground makes the composition a great one. v